Friday, March 14, 2008

i ain't good looking but i'm someone's child

sara tagged me!

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their 8 things and post these rules.

3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.


1. i fell down--hard--on my way back from william wallace's monument in stirling, scotland. i bust open my knee. shortly afterwards i started developing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. i have it in my head that this fall is somehow connected to my RA. i know this sounds like some lame-o time life mysteries commercial, but i really do think there is a link. damn braveheart.
2. i really love to watch bob ross paint his happy little trees. he mesmerized me as a child.
3. i am scared to go out into the garage at night because: a. i fear that the siamese twin that was hanging out of the tall creepy dude who plays the tall creepy dude in most shows/movies in the freakshow episode of the x-files will crawl towards me and try to burrow into my stomach thus killing me, b. sara laughs from bag of bones will tap once for yes, twice for no and c. BTK is waiting to pounce.
4. my favorite scene of any movie EVER is the nipples of venus scene from amadeus--it's not as saucy as it sounds. if you guys ever see those candies, i want one and i will pay you for it!
5. i don't like to talk on the phone. i am really bad at returning phone calls. i won't even call close friends--i know, it's amazing i have close friends, right? :)
6. i want to climb up to machu picchu. i don't want to take the train, i want to do the hike even though i know it'll be hot and buggy and i'll get all sweaty and gross.
7. i don't like it when people get on the elliptical machine right next to me when there are 20 other empty ones across the room, even though i will do the same thing to someone if they are on the machines next to "mine".
8. i add numbers on license plates, house addresses, phone numbers, signs, etc. until i get down to one number.

i tag: anyone that reads this damn thing :) tee-hee. have fun. or don't. i don't care if you do it or not. i just like to talk about myself. aww yeah. $240 worth o'pudding...

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